Graceless @ Metropool Enschede (test event)

door: Jeanny Petrocchi 23-04-2021 We behoorden tot de gelukkigen die een kaartje konden bemachtigen voor een testevent dat afgelopen vrijdag in een van de mooiste zalen van Twente heeft plaatsgevonden; Metropool – EnschedeDe kaarten waren in no time uitverkocht! Om aan dit test event mee te kunnen doen moesten we ons wel even vooraf laten […]

Moonspell’s Road to Extinction Tour

Metropool, Hengelo, March 31, 2016 By Jeanny Petrocchi Moonspell’s ROAD TO EXTINCTION TOUR started last month. Thursday March 31, was the day that Moonspell hit the Dutch turf once more. This Portuguese band performaned succesfully at the Metropool venue in Hengelo. It was quite an outstanding show with smoke, fog and foam and last but […]

Dong Open Air – Metal Festival Germany

Neukirchen (DE) July 16 – 18, 2015By Jeanny Petrocchi, Metalphoto ‘’Party all night Dong” – with this motto almost 3000 metalfans from all over Germany and The Netherlands attended this festival which took place in Neukirchen – Vluyn near Krefeld on the top of the Dongberg (Halde, Northern Germany). The audience came this year to […]

Stonehenge Metal Festival 2015 – gone with the wind

Steenwijk (NL), July 25, 2015by Jeanny Petrocchi, Metalphoto One of the coziest festivals in The Netherlands, STONEHENGE, unfortunately, went up into smoke. After a year of preparations, the worst summer storm ever in Dutch history brought it, cruelly, to a premature end. The organizers had to cancel the festival for safety reasons. Also other festivals […]

Finale of Dutch Metal Battle

The finale of the Dutch Metal Battle had two winners: Illusionless and Impalement. They demonstrated that metal music is alive and kicking in this tiny country on the North Sea. by Jeanny Petrocchi On Saturday, April 5th, the grand finale of the Metal Battle 2014 took place at Poppodium Atak in Enschede.